What It Adds
Establish Movement: Utilizing tools like Runway introduce motion, breathing life and energy into otherwise static images.
Broaden Visual Styles: Design tools like Visual Electric enable the application of various visual styles to assets, allowing them to adapt to new brand aesthetics.
Why It Works
By applying motion and dynamic effects, these visuals convey a strong sense of place and distinction. The techniques allow assets to evolve and adapt to new brand styles, addressing the challenge of retrofitting original assets into creative projects that may be a significant departure from the original brand. This approach enhances the adaptability of brand visuals, reducing the sense of repetitiveness when reusing the same image and fostering stronger audience connections.
The Value
These design approaches are ideal when assets need to be polished or adapted to fit a new brand style. Instead of creating entirely new assets—which can be time-consuming and costly—existing visuals can be adjusted and repurposed to align with new brand directions. This approach offers greater versatility across all brand applications, from websites to social media, campaigns, and pitch decks, allowing for multiple use cases from a single asset.
The Impact
Differentiate from Competitors
Improve User Experience (UX)
Increase User Engagement
Modernize an Outdated Brand
Create Consistency Across Touchpoints
Build Brand Loyalty
Simplify Complex Information
Enhance Credibility and Trustworthiness
Reposition in the Market
Strengthen Emotional Connection with Customers
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